Friday, August 27, 2010

Grammar can be fun!

Bad grammar is the bane of pedantic internet trolls and the source of 47%* of those soul-sucking blog comment that I detest.  Grammar can also be the bane of the cover letter and the cause of your application promptly reaching the soul-sucking recycle bin**, so it is important to pay attention and, when in doubt, check the rules.

Fortunately, sometimes the internet gives something back; when it comes to grammar those gifts from the internet can be lovely.  You can check out some fun web comics from where you can learn about grammar along with information about kittens riding goats, bacon hats, hairy knuckles, out-drinking pandas, the dangers of leapfrogging a unicorn, and bears:

If you are after grammar advice on a variety of topics, I like

*Not scientifically verified.
**The recycle bin only sucks souls when your application ends up there, at all other times it is the source of light and joy in the universe, much like a double rainbow or kittens.
***Also available in book form. I remember when all we had was the internet in book form, we called it the library, and we used Ethel the reference librarian instead of Google...oh days of yore.